Streams, Rulers and Laziness

This blog post discusses the solution to one of the exercises in an online course I’ve been doing in my spare time.

Problem Statement

The context of the problem is learning to use lazy evaluation. We start by defining a data structure called a Stream. It is a generic list similar to the built-in one in Haskell, except that it is necessarily infinite. It is defined like so:

data Stream a = S a (Stream a)

Simple enough. A Stream is an element of type a along with another Stream whose elements are also of type a. The S constructor is basically like cons.

We can define utility functions for working with Streams analogous to the ones in the Prelude.

repeat :: a -> Stream a
repeat n = S n $ repeat n

map :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
map f (S x y) = S (f x) (map f y)

streamToList :: Stream a -> [a]
streamToList (S x y) = x : (streamToList y)

For ease of debugging, it also helps to derive the Show typeclass for Stream to print the first, say, 20 elements.

instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where
    show s = show $ take 20 $ streamToList s

Now for the problem. The ruler series is defined as the series in which the nth element is the largest power of 2 which evenly divides n. It looks like this:

0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, ...

Question: How do you represent the ruler series as a Stream?

A First Attempt

The assignment helpfully suggests:

define a function interleaveStreams which alternates the elements from two streams. Can you use this function to implement ruler in a clever way that does not have to do any divisibility testing?

We know what interleaveStreams should look like. It should take two streams [x1, x2, ...], [y1, y2, ...] and return the stream [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]. How does this help us write a definition for ruler? Well, every alternate element of ruler, starting with the first, is a 0. So ruler might be written as:

interleaveStreams (repeat 0) <???>

The only question now is, what is <???>. This isn’t too hard to answer. If we remove the 0s from ruler, we get this sequence:

1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, ...

which, if you look at it carefully, is just the original ruler series with 1 added to every element - in other words, map (+1) ruler!

We now have a definition (that doesn’t work yet) for ruler:

ruler :: Stream Integer
ruler = interleaveStreams (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)

It doesn’t work because we haven’t yet defined interleaveStreams - which, for the sake of brevity, we will now refer to as interleave. How do we do that? My first instinct was to define it like so:

interleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleave (S x y) (S x' y') = S x (S x' (interleave y y'))

Then I headed over to the ghci prompt, loaded my definitions in, entered ruler and waited expectantly.

And waited. And waited some more.

Me at the prompt

Refining our solution

…as you can guess, ghci was sent into an infinite loop trying to evaluate ruler. Why? Let’s unravel the evaluation of ruler step by step. Keep in mind that Haskell is lazy, which means that

  1. function arguments are evaluated only when they need to be evaluated
  2. function arguments need to be evaluated only when they need to be pattern-matched
  3. function arguments are only evaluated as far as is needed for a match to succeed, and no further

Off we go!

interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)

interleave expects two arguments of the form (S x y) and (S x' y'). Since this is not the case, it attempts to evaluate each of its arguments until they can be represented in this form.

interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)
interleave (S 0 (repeat 0)) (map (+1) ruler)
interleave (S 0 (repeat 0)) (map (+1) (interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)))

We’ve made partial progress. The first argument to the outermost interleave is of the form (S x y). The second argument isn’t, though. So we must evaluate it.

map (+1) (interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler))

map also expects its second argument to be of the form (S x y). Again, it isn’t. So we must evaluate it first before we can evaluate the call to map.

interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)

Wait a minute, didn’t we just see this exact expression? How do we fix this?

Well, the main reason we ran into an infinite loop above is that we were forced to evaluate the second argument to interleave, which eventually ended up regenerating the original expression. It would be nice if we could recurse without evaluating the second argument. We can’t realy avoid evaluating the first argument, since intuitively, something needs to be destructured in order for things to move forward. In any case, the first argument to interleave is repeat 0 - and that is trivially easy to destructure.

So we need to write a definition for interleave that forces evaluation of only the first argument. In other words, our definition is constrained to look like this:

interleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleave (S x y) w = <???>

How do we complete the definition? Observe that interleaving the stream (S a1 x) into the stream w

a1    a2    a3    a4
   b1    b2    b3    b4

…is the same as prepending a1 to the result of interleaving w into x:

b1    b2    b3    b4
   a2    a3    a4

In the above text diagrams, x is the stream [a2, a3, a4, ...], and w is the stream [b1, b2, b3, ...]. It’s easy to see that (S a1 x) spliced into w is the same as w spliced into x. with the only difference being that the former has an extra a1 at the beginning. So our new definition for interleave is:

interleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleave (S x y) w = S x (interleave w y)

This recursive definition is better than our previous one because it doesn’t force Haskell to evaluate the second argument right away. Yay!

We can verify that this definition “works” - that is, the interpreter is able to lazily evaluate the ruler stream without invoking an infinite loop. Let’s re-run the evaluation procedure again and see how things have changed.

interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler)
interleave (S 0 (repeat 0)) (map (+1) ruler)
S 0 (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0))
S 0 (interleave (map (+1) (interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) ruler))) (repeat 0))
S 0 (interleave (map (+1) (interleave (S 0 (repeat 0)) (map (+1) ruler))) (repeat 0))
S 0 (interleave (map (+1) (S 0 (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0)))) (repeat 0))
S 0 (interleave (S (+1 0) (map (+1) (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0)))) (repeat 0))
S 0 (interleave (S 1 (map (+1) (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0)))) (repeat 0))
S 0 (S 1 (interleave (repeat 0) (map (+1) (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0)))))
S 0 (S 1 (interleave (S 0 (repeat 0)) (map (+1) (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0)))))
S 0 (S 1 (S 0 (map (+1) (interleave (map (+1) ruler) (repeat 0))) (repeat 0)))

and so on and so forth. There’s a lot of substitution going on, but notice the general pattern emerging: we obtain an expression of the form S 0 (S 1 (S 0 (...))) - the ruler series. Since it is of the form S x (S y (S z (...))) where x, y, z and so on are all literals, it can be lazily evaluated upto whatever point we need.

In the case when we type in ruler at the ghci prompt, as we did above, that point corresponds to 20 terms of the series.


The course mentioned in the beginning of this post is Brent Yorgey’s fantastic Intro to Haskell course. The course materials, including lecture notes and assignments are available online, here.

Written on January 23, 2016